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Stella Jurgen – OMNI TV – Nos Portugueses with Clara Abreu – July 16, 2017

I am truly grateful for being interviewed by Clara Abreu, for the show “Nos Portugueses” (Us Portuguese) that aired on OMNI-TV, Channel 4 on July 16, 2017 with two additional repeats. THANK YOU to the production team: Bill Moniz, Director and Producer; Aquilino Torrado, Director of Video and Editing and Clara Abreu, Reporter. It was fabulous! I was able to share my artistic talents, painting, singing and my new challenge — fashion. Thank you to...

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Gente da Nossa TV “Reflections” – Stella Jurgen – Kurt Jurgen – Chris Banfalvi

The Consulate General of Portugal in Toronto presented “Reflections” an art exhibition by Stella Jurgen, Kurt Jurgen and Chris Banfalvi – a collection of Paintings, Photography and Metal Sculptures that opened on May 4, 2017 for the month of May.  Thank you to “Gente da Nossa”, Nellie Pedro and Cesar Pedro for their report on the event that aired May 13, 2017 on City-TV....

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Portuguese General Consulate, Toronto, Reflections

Opening night of the Art Exhibition “REFLEXÕES”

Opening night of the Art Exhibition “REFLEXÕES” (REFLECTIONS) May 4, 2017 at the Consulate General of Portugal in Toronto, Gallery Almada Negreiros. Stella Jurgen, painter; Dr. Luis Filipe Silva Barros, Consul General of Portugal, Kurt Jurgen, photographer, Chris Banfalvi, metal artist. Photo by Norm Jurgen. Stella Jurgen was interviewed by Fatima Martins, on the Radio show “Notas Soltas” CHIN Radio 100.7 FM in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on May 1, 2017 to talk about the exhibition...

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